Less is more: cost efficient reporting of your SAP® data

Attractive visual reports without bells and whistles often tell more than state-of-the art reports and dashboards. Kearo has been built keeping that fact in mind, resulting in a cost efficient application:

Affordable solution - Kearo is a very affordable solution with a high return on investment. Just configure and use a couple of reports and the investment will reimburse itself before you know.

Easy deployment - No need to perform heavy deployments of software at a high cost. Just run the setup program and connect Kearo to your SQL server to start extracting, analyzing and reporting data.

Economies of scale can be achieved - Since reports are set up once and can be generated automatically for each of your SAP clients, you do not need to reinvent the wheel each time. Just configure your extraction, analysis and reporting process once and you can use your reports all over again on different clients, entities, ...

Steep learning curve resulting in even easier deployments - As Kearo uses well known technologies (Microsoft Excel™ and Microsoft SQL server) on a well known ERP system (SAP®) no exotic knowledge is required to configure extractions, analyses and reports in Kearo.

Still not convinced to use Kearo, take a look here to see what you could use Kearo for.