SAP® Connection technology

Kearo uses a technology that is inherent to SAP®, namely Remote Function Call or RFC. Therefore no or basic programming skills are required. Just run the Kearo Checker in Kearo to know whether you should implement one additional ABAP program (a SAP note exists clearly explaining the implementation of that ABAP program). Furthemore the RFC technology is accessible with only a minimum of SAP® access rights (consult the manual in the download section for the required SAP® authorizations).

Technologies around Kearo

Three proven technologies have been used for decades by millions of people and offer a robust product by combining them:

Microsoft Visual Basic .Net programming language which gives Kearo a great stability and an attractive user interface.

Microsoft SQL Server database which provides Kearo with a powerful, fast and reliable database.

Microsoft Excel™ which enables Kearo to build powerful and attractive reports with a user interface that is well known to everyone.